2024 SRI Team One members include Dr. Bradley Stone (Liaison) on left from Gavilan College and Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and currently Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, San Jose Sate U., other members are below: Anton Jackson (Peer Mentor from UCSC and Fellows Alejandro Lezama (GC)  Amanda Martinez (CC), Ignacio Melchor-Partida (GC), Jariel Sevilla (HC).

Anton Jackson (UCSC undergrad) 2024 SRI Peer mentor in the lab of Prof. Jordan Ward

Alejandro Lezama (Gavilan College) 2024 SRI Fellow in the lab of Prof. Shaun McKinnie

Amanda Martinez (Gavilan College) 2024 SRI Fellow in the lab of Prof. Bradley Colquitt

Ignacio Melchor-Partida (Gavilan College) 2024 SRI Fellow in the lab of Prof. Sarah Loerch

Jariel Sevilla (Hartnell College) 2024 SRI Fellow in the lab of Prof. Shaowei Chen