ACCESS Students (on left) Benefit from Our Team (see below!)

Team members from UC Santa Cruz, Cabrillo College, Gavilan College, Hartnell College, and Monterey Peninsula College are here to help you!

UCSC Distinguished Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry Phil Crews | P.I. & Program Director

UCSC Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry Ted Holman | Co P.I.

UCSC Assoc. Prof of Chemistry & Biochemistry Laura Sanchez |Faculty Mentor

Associate Program Director Pam D'Arcey| The 'Go To" Person!

Hartnell Biology Instructor Dr. Alex Edens | College P.I.

MPC Chemistry Instructor Dr. Rushia Turner | SRI Liaison & College P.I.

Hartnell Chemistry Instructor Michael McCarthy | SRI Liaison

Gavilan Biology Instructor Rey Morales | College P.I.

Gavilan Chemistry Instructor Dr. Bradley Stone | SRI Liason and  Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and currently Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, San Jose Sate U.

Cabrillo Chemistry Instrcutor Dr. Jason Camara | Cabrillo College P.I.

Cabrillo Biology Instructor  Dr. Yves Tan | Cabrillo ACCESS Coordinator

Cabrillo Chemistry Instructor Dr. Sarah Gerhardtn| Faculty mentor

Cabrillio Chemistry Instructor "Cisco" Jiminez  |2023  SRI Liason

Gavilan Chemistry Instructor Dr. Rachal Snelling | Faculty Mentor

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